Saturday 28 April 2018

Hidden treasures.

Ira had resolved, rather well we thought, what to do with her clock piece based on the rather handsome one at Newark Park.It's a shame that it won't be seen there ,probably for this year.We hadn't been informed that the exhibition would not go ahead at this stage.She had also used two other pieces to create some smaller framed works.

She had been doing some dressmaking for her youngest daughter and while looking out a pattern had come across a hidden box.

It contained these treasures of shells and limpets all stitched by Ira.

Along with these jewelled box forms 

and this based on razor shells .Allowed to hang and twist in the air

decorated with hand made beads .

For her next pieces Ira wants to pursue an historical theme.

Her recent workbox article detailed her love of arches ,doors and windows.and if you recall she brought some pieces along a few meetings back.

These pieces are the basis for her ideas and will be worked into to create pieces with a rich historical bias.

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